Tori Plaza Dental

Share a Smile

Share a Smile

Share-a-Smile With Someone You Love!

Free Gift Card when you refer a friend or family member

We do our best to provide you and your family with an excellent dental experience, so why not tell others about it?
To show our appreciation, we'll send you a $25 Tim Hortons Gift Card for each referred patient. Please fill out your information and the name of your friend or family member you are referring to us.

Your Information

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Who are you Referring?

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Ask Questions

We will gladly answer any questions you may have.

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Book Online

Tori Plaza Dental offers the ability to request your dentist appointments online. Schedule an appointment now!

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New Patient Forms

By filling out the New Patient Forms ahead of time you will save significant time on your visit.

  New Patient Forms

Pay Online

Streamline your dental experience: New online payments. Easy, secure, and convenient. Smile confidently!

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